Paw Pack Plus Community

Introducing The Paw Pack Plus (P3) Community!
The Paw Pack Plus Community is our version of Patreon.
It's a way to support everything we do - The Science Pawdcast and all of our free content BUT we were super frustrated with how limited Patreon was.
Our Community is a vibrant place full of pet and science enthusiasts. We have endless extra content there, educational articles, and fun meet ups every single week. It's really SO much better than Patreon with TONS of easy to find fun content!
Like Patreon we have different tiers of support! You can join as a PUP, TEEN, or TOP DOG. We also set it up so you can join for a month at a time, half a year or a full year and the longer you sign up for, the more you save at that tier!
Here is a short breakdown of each tier:
- 2 Bunsen Picture Postcards per year w/pawprint
- Bonus Content
- Access to the Live Stream of The Dogs every Thursday!
- Early notice on what we have cooking!
- RSVP to all P3 upcoming public events
- Moose Soup For The Soul P3 stories
- Our private DOGSTAGRAM social media feed!
- Everything the Pup tier gets and....
- A shoutout in the Pawdcast every week!
- A texting service where Texts from Bunsen (and Beaker) come RIGHT TO YOU.
- Early deals on what we have cooking!
- RSVP to all P3 member private events
- The Pet Place- a giant selection of pet training tricks and health tips
- Everything the Pup and Teen Tier get and....
- Early deals on what we have cooking!
- Feedback on Merch Development and Early Sneak Peeks
- Science Lab which includes science articles, links, and resources
- The biggest discount on all of our merch always!
Cost Per Tier
Pup: 10USD per month
Teen: 20USD per month
Top Dog: 30 USD per month